Sunday 5 January 2014

Day 7 - 9 Rickshaw Rally -Tuticorin / Courtallam / Kanyakumari

Apologies for getting behind with our blog but internet access is at a premium over here.

We've arrived in Kanyakumari after a couple of tough days and are billeted in a very comfortable hotel.  Our rickshaw has now covered almost 1,200 km and the end is in sight.  Our rickshaw skills are well honed and we seldom stall although mechanical problems usually associated with the petrol / oil mix still occur.

Over the past three days we've undertaken a variety of tasks and challenges including visits to a cocoanut oil pressing plant and a fruit farm and a cricket match.

I tried my hand at packing the containers at the pressing plant but this young girl left me standing

It was interesting to see what JLS is up to following their announced split

After the factory visit we head over to the Tuticorin dustbowl for a cricket match.  The locals play here all the time and are familiar with the variable bounce.  Rupert captains a mix of UK, Norway and German teammates, many playing for the first time.  John looks the part in his floppy sunhat but a dropped catch, 11 runs conceded on his over, and 8 runs scored with the bat suggest his best might be behind him.

John's floppy hat looks the part 
The result - a thrashing with team Rickshaw losing by about 50 runs.  Not demoralised, we head off shopping but John and Phil get bored and start messing about in the sari shop and pinch the wigs off the shop window dummies.  In the end they are banished to the naughty step.

Tuticorin to Courtallam is a long drive and on the way we visit a fruit farm to undertake a 'pongol' challenge.  But first we're required to put on local dress.  The women look great in their saris

whilst the men are rather more self-conscious in their garb.  The challenge itself involves making pongol, a sticky rice dish served at harvest time.  We're given the basic ingredients, a stack of dry leaves and an earthenware pot to cook pongol in.  John's in his element and soon has a good blaze but despite our joint efforts we are placed in mid table when our pongol is judged for taste and presentation.

Flames lick at John's nether regions
The road to Courtallam takes us through the lush green fields of Southern Tamil Nadu and today we make good progress and arrive in good time with only minor scares and no breakdowns.

We never have a prescribed route so teams find their own way from A to B - we often pass fellow challengers and there is a great atmosphere.  Rupert contributes by serenading rickshaws as they pass him by.

On the way to Kanyakumari our challenges take us into a tiger reserve in search of information about a large dam.  We're surprised that the authorities agreed to let us in in our rickshaws - with no real protection and a slow top speed I'm glad we didn't meet one today.

Turns out the tigers were the least of our worries.  We park our rickshaws and the monkeys are on us like carjackers.  One brazen monkey pulls a plastic bag out of John's hand and runs off with the contents whilst others loot the rickshaws looking for goodies - crisps, biscuits, fruit, water bottles all go, along with dipsticks and filler caps and anything else that takes their fancy.

We like to break up our journey by stopping at the roadside for chai and goodies - the locals are always glad to see us and are extremely friendly.

Back on the road I have a near miss with a bus which gives no quarter on a bridge but I'm pleased to report that these rickshaws are tougher than they look.

In truth, the Indian driving has been surprisingly good and the buses which are usually in a rush have cut us a lot of slack.  Our record of prangs to date includes:

  • hit wall - damage light
  • hit team mate (x3) - damage slight
  • hit other vehicle - knocked off wing mirror - knock for knock
  • hit petrol pump attendant - small bruise on head caused by wing mirror

The Rickshaw Rally has been tough at times - driving through the towns is stressful and its hot and sticky but we're having a great time and we can't believe that it's almost done.  The sights we've seen, the people we've met along the way who have helped us and welcomed us and the rickshaw teams have made this an unforgettable experience.


  1. Hi John & Lucy, I've been following the blog and it looks like the trip of a lifetime, you did well at the cricket as well ...eight..!! and a dropped catch...thats England test standard...Oh and good to see the Green family fire making skills being put to good use while making your pongol...mmm sounds careful, watch out for coos...bye for now, Ian x

  2. What a great time you have had,I'm really sorry your challenge is over
    I soooo enjoyed reading about all your adventures, and it looks good on my T.V!!
    Well done to you both a great achievement. Love xxxxxxxxxxx
