Saturday 4 January 2014

Day 5 - Rickshaw Rally - Bullocks & Another Challenge

New Year's Day - Supposedly a rest day but not for us.  We did get a lie in but then there's a surprise in store and at the morning's team briefing we're told we're swapping rickshaws for bullocks - my thoughts exactly.  Before we head off for the challenge we eat Thali of banana leaves at a local restaurant.  The food's good but in line with tradition, as soon as you're finished you're supposed to get up and go.  Teams 3,4 and 6 linger so the waiters turn the fans above our table onto full blast scattering the leaves an remnants of the meal.  We head off.

We arrive for the afternoon's challenge which is driving your own ox cart.  The smelly beasts are all lined up as we arrive and the team names are in posters down the sides.  Our bullocks look uncontrollable and even before we are introduced they try to set off.

We climb aboard our cart which is old and splintered  with sticks at the side to hold onto.  I am not impressed as I don't like heights and I definitely don't like cows.  The bullock crew manning our cart are not too friendly and don't appear to trust us in charge of their bullocks.

We set off being driven by the driver but we soon realise we do have to get in the hot seat.  I try but I'm not confident and soon beg John to take over.

The bullock driving is jarring on the butt and the back.  It's a reasonably enjoyable hour but the idea of doing a five day bullock challenge does not float my boat.  John gets the hang of things but he has a lot of help from the hanger ons

Team Doggy Style look at home
In the evening we visit the Meenakshi Amman temple.  It's a festival night and access is difficult.  Cameras are not allowed and we queue to get in

It's worth the wait.  Although we haven't got photos I can assure you that this is the most spectacular temple that we've seen on our travels.  The colours are dazzling and the scale is massive.  The worshippers are oblivious to us and watching them in their devotions is interesting.

The sculptured towers within are extremely detailed and vibrant in colour.  Inside, we meet the sellers of garlands and have to step aside as an elephant walks through.

Outside, and with our shoes and cameras back we watch a small parade passing.

Even now, the cow is eyeballing me

Are you looking at me?
Tomorrow - back on the road again


  1. What a hoot. Much better than a day at Morrisons. Made me laugh.xx

  2. Welcome back,bet you never thought you would be driving Bullocks and cart????
    good for a laugh ,another one for tales to tell!!
